Selling your Property? Faultless Presentation and the Right Agent are Key Ingredients

A quick scroll through the internet listings of residential properties for sale in Sydney will show some beautifully prepared properties. Some are mansions and some are modest, but regardless, their owners have made the effort to show them off at their absolute best. Often, however, properties are listed for sale as is, that is, there has been no effort on the part of the owner or owners to present them to their best advantage. There can be many reasons for this – absentee owners, deceased estates, or just people who don’t realise they are leaving money on the table by neglecting this important part of marketing their property.
Hiring the right agent in Sydney is equally important. The property can be absolutely spotless, but if the agent lacks experience or ethics or has little knowledge of the market, the seller will be short-changed in service and the final selling price. With these two issues covered, the selling experience will be hassle-free, and lucrative if the market forces are right. The right agent will look after the real estate sales and marketing, inspections and negotiations, and a beautiful property will sell itself.

Getting the Buyers Interested

So what needs to be done to make a property attractive to buyers? From the time a prospective buyer pulls into the driveway, the property is on show. First impressions stick in the mind, and if the outside is unkempt, it will be hard to overcome that emotion once inside, even if the interior is better. Everything in the garden must be neat, tidy, trimmed, mowed and lopped as necessary. Trim garden and driveway edges, remove rubbish, straighten leaning fences, repair windows, doors, guttering and downpipes, and paint where needed.
On the inside, everything must be clean. Get carpets steam cleaned and replace mouldy or old shower curtains and bath maths. Blinds and curtains must be washed and re-hung. Security screens on windows and doors should be repaired if ripped, and again, washed clean. Walls and ceilings also need to be clean and especially free of cobwebs and insect droppings.
Every glass, chrome and metal surface must shine, including the stove and the sinks. Replace outdated tap fittings and fixtures. Light fittings must come down, be washed in soapy water, dried and re-hung. In no time, with little cost, the interior will be sparkling and ready for any inspection. Note that it must be kept like this for as long as the property is for sale.

Choosing a Good Agent in Sydney

Now that the house is ready, choosing a good agent is next. Look for a real estate agency in Sydney that has been around for a while. An experienced agency already has effective business management and property sales systems in place to make administration and communication easy. They should also have a solid knowledge of the market area around which the property is located. This is important for attracting the most likely purchasers to particular properties.
The agency should use every marketing medium available, but be strongly focused on a professional web presence. Many buyers do their searching after working hours on the internet, so having a web site that advertises on every major real estate web portal casts a much wider net. Coupling that with local advertising through property magazines that go to every household in the area covers all bases.
Testimonials from satisfied clients and word-of-mouth recommendations will confirm that the agent chosen has an excellent reputation. With the right agent and a property fit for any inspection, the seller has done everything possible to get the best price for the property.